Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
AS I Lay Dying Journals
How to share your journals
1. Download finished journal as word doc to your computer
2. Go to this link: As I Lay Dying
3. Open your class folder.
4. Create a folder with your name
5. Share the folder with jessupsenglish@gmail.com and allow me to edit not view.
6. Upload word doc to folder
How to use template, how to upload to drive, how to use doc tools
Video models
please watch these three videos.
1. How to copy template, copy your sonnet, and paste into template and format line numbers
2. How to upload your paper
3. How to use Doc Tools and some other tricks in the template
Monday, December 10, 2018
Sonnet Paper due no later that 12/19 to class drive
Sonnet Paper - Due to Class Drive no later than 12/19
I've updated and made some changes to the paper to make it a little more user friendly. So pay attention to the changes.
I also created a template for your paper that you can type into. here's the link:
How to upload:
1. click link below
Here's the link: SAMPLE SONNET PAPER
Here's the link to all the typed sonnets: Sonnets typed
Assignments and due dates
1. COMPLETED Sonnet Lesson Pack due 12/13 and 12/14 – no exceptions – I will check these while you are working on your posters and return them, so you can finish your papers. Be sure to complete the two focus statements in the lesson pack. There are two more sample focus statements in the final paper sample.
2. Faulkner Journal COMPLETE and due 12/13 and 12/14 – No Exceptions. Upload to DRIVE folder (see later post).
3. ACP Grade - Art project for sonnet with explanation***(see below) of how your art work represents the poem you chose for the Sonnet Paper that is due 12/19 in the drive folder (again, no late work). This can be a painting, a sculpture, a well curated collage, 2-minute film (or a series of visualized snapshots of the sonnet’s various images with text).
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Substitute Assignment 11/28 and 11/29
Periods 5,6,7, and 8
All of this can be done in 90 minutes.
Read P. 674 – 680 from Perrine’s Literature Book
and answer ALL questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Follow instructions in the Sonnet pack on
DICTION and complete the assigned task in the packet.
Share your As I Lay Dying Digital Journal with
me TODAY at jessupsenglish@gmail.com. You should be up to pp 140. So you should have begun the journal section for pp 137 -
#1 is due at the end of class in the box and #2
I will check this afternoon from home.
How about those Holes in Addie's coffin? and the way she's put in the coffin? it's madness and you're worried about Vardaman saying "My Mother is a fish"? Of course she is . . .
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Range finder scores
The scoring is as follows:
R-4, O-9, M-7, J-8, P-6
Deconstruct M and J by the 28th.
Don't forget to read.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Rangefinders - Scoring
Rangefinder Scoring
I opened the Socrative Room up for you to post your scores. Go to https://b.socrative.com/login/student/ , the room is Jessup904, click next, then Last Name, First Name and a dialogue box will open for you to post your scoring.
If you did not receive the rangefinders you may access them here: Sacrifice
Sonnet Lesson Pack
The Sonnet Lessons- UPDATED as of 12/06
AS promised, I updated the sonnet lessons with models, some definitions, and links (the blue rectangular outlines are links) to other sources to help guide you through these lessons. The heading above is your link to these updates.
1. I'll continue to update the "I do/We do" lesson models as we move forward, so download this and when I announce the updates just download and replace the old pdf with the new one.
2. These read best on a tablet or computer, but all your phones should have a good pdf viewer as well.
3. Remember, you have to use your personal Gmail to access any of the documents in this DRIVE.
Faulkner Journal Template
I also added another example or two to help you with journal entries 1 and 5. Please compose your responses AFTER the models, so that you'll always have them as a reference.
Remember to keep up with your reading calendar because there will be a reading quiz when we return.
Additionally, until we finish the novel and for every major work thereafter, after we quiz we will always talk about YOUR reading and YOUR thoughts before moving on to the next mini lesson. Believe me when I say I am much more interested in your ideas than mine, so please "Bring your BEST and SHARE!" Your inquiry discussions will be well rewarded in the grade book as long as you are leading the discussion and asking questions.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
As I Lay Dying Journal
As I Lay Dying
I was worried that many of you were confused by the journal, so here's a link to the As I Lay Dying Journal Template Please download it as a Google Doc, Label it Last name_First Name_AILD_Journal and share it with me at jessupsenglish@gmail.com
Because you asked:
use the following link to get updates from REMIND. Of course, you're going to have to remind me that I have one now.
Friday, November 9, 2018
MRBB Character Maps Upload
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Coming Due Dates for Assignments, Projects, and Papers
Socratic Seminar Paper
Due 11/08 (B) and 11/09 (A) I know it's a lot to take in so focus on your seminar notes and FOLLOW the "Socratic Seminar Scoring Guide".
Ma Rainey's Character Maps
Due Monday 11/12 by end of day. I will post a link to the drive folder where you will submit these on Friday.
Timed Writing
Timed writing will be 11/09 (B) and 11/12 (A). It is a Question 3 prompt and I will post a mini Q3 writing guide. For this assignment you will be permitted to use your discussion notes, so print a pdf of the notes you turn in with your paper.
Essay Deconstructions
Deconstructions will be Due 11/28. Submit on Paper and in class box.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Socratic Seminar Evaluation Paper 11/8 (B) 11/09 (A)
Socratic Seminar Evaluation Paper
This paper is your formal evaluation of the Socratic Seminar.
- Evaluate multiple speakers’ points of view, reasoning, and use of evidence.
- Demonstrate your acuity as a listener who can succinctly summarize a discussion and evaluate the various ideas presented.
- Short, concise summary of the main questions and topics discussed in the seminar you observed (the one for which you took notes). This demonstrates your ability to discern main ideas and summarize the discussion succinctly. Length: One paragraph total.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Socratic Fishbowl Discussion
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Socratic Fishbowl Discussion
As we prepare for a Socratic Fishbowl Seminar, it's important that you review these two files FIRST!!!
Ma Rainey's Character Maps - Due 11/12
Ma Rainey's Character Maps Revised Due Date 11/12
As I have explained to each class - This is a rather detailed assignment.
1. Download the template from the following link using your personal GMAIL: Ma Rainey's CM
2. Draft your responses BEFORE you type into the template.
3. On Nov. 08 I will post links to the various class folders for upload. Be Certain your map file is shared back into the folder in word format and that it is titled: Last name_First name_Character Maps
4. This is a Project Grade - one of two you will receive for the 3rd 6 weeks.
As I Lay Dying purchase by 11/07 - No Exceptions.
AS I LAY DYING by William Faulkner
1. Purchase from Amazon to have in class by 11/07 (this was listed on the syllabus).
2. I do not have extra copies and a kindle version will not work.
3. Please Purchase THIS copy:
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Power Learning Discussion Post
How to post
Go to Power Learning or your class page from a computer (not the ap) or browser and THEN:
2nd Period
Araby Questions
Quite a few of you didn't answer the FIVE "Araby" post reading questions.
Here they are again:
Deconstructing Student Essays and more
Please follow the link below to access the exemplar deconstruction for essay H. It is also posted on Power school.
Please use the same format for each of your deconstructions. Remember, this is a test grade, so you really want to submit the same HIGH QUALITY analysis that this student submitted.
A Reminder
- Visit quill.org
- Click Login (at the top of the page)
- Enter username and password
- Click the Login button
username is ID@dallasisd.org
password: N/A sign in with Clever
Please go to Quill from google apps and complete the assigned assessment. We will use a combination of Quill and No Red Ink for grammar, editing, sentence composing, and revising. No late work for this diagnostic; it should take no more than 20 minutes.
3. Please make sure you complete the common lit assignments BEFORE you come to class each period next week.
4. If you didn't submit your annotated Araby text, time is running out. Progress reports go out Monday.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
I inboxed each of you with a screenshot.of your current grade for the 1st 6wks. I also sent a message to you and one to your parents with the notice of the grade change deadline.
As of this writing I've received one assignment.
Remember, the window closes in the morning.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Monday, September 17, 2018
Vocabulary Digital Frayer Models
Vocabulary Frayer Models
Please open the link, find and your class folder, create a folder with your name in your class folder, and upload your pdf to your folder labeled with your first and last name.
Frayer Model Folder
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
How to upload to power learning
Uploading Assignments to Power Learning
- Go to Power School.
- Click the shortcut to apps
- select power learning
- Select "Progress"
- find your assignment
- make sure your assignment is labeled "Last name. Dry September" Include a 1st initial if you share a last name with others in the class
- click the upload icon
- upload pdf/pdfs
Friday, September 7, 2018
As Promised - How to do Everything
How to save your chart/ map from Lucid Charts or Mindmeister:
How to submit an assignment from the power school app/site:
Things you might need:
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Reading - 1st Reading of Dry September
Due 8/30(A) & 31(B)
"Dry September"
1. Complete a 1st reading with discussion annotations (????=this is confusing or dense prose that I/we need help with; ? With discussion question for whole class; ! An observation of action, reflection, narration that you want the whole class to consider.) Your text should have plenty of these as well as any questions you have oncerning character and narrative perspective. I DO check for annnotations.
2. Be prepared to discuss text
3. And there will be a writing prompt
AP Lit and Comp 2018 - 19 Welcome
Due 8-30/31
No Red Ink Student Sign up: Please click the hyperlink and enter your class sign up code
Common Lit Sign up
Please use the appropriate code to register for YOUR section of Common lit.
Go to Common Lit
Monday, May 28, 2018
Selma, Montgomery, and More
Complete photos

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Assignment 5 - Due at the end of Class 4/10 and 4/11
Do Now: Reflect - Over the past two weeks HOW has your understanding of Blackberries as an experience developed and changed? Be specific and concrete.
How has your ability to rapidly analyze a poem progressed over this same time?
Heading into the AP exam next month what skills still need polish?
Do NEXT: "Black Berrying" by Sylvia Plath
1. As a group complete steps 1 - 4.
2. Complete a 4 leaf clover.
3. Do the Same for "August" by Mary Oliver
4. Combine the two thesis statements into one that compares the perspective of the two poets.
5. Using the best of your group's 4 Leaf Clovers, complete a comparative 4 leaf clover.
DUE at the end of Class.
PS - We'll be returning to the three anchor texts next week as we practice Q2 and Q3.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Assignment 4 More Blackberries 4/04 and 4/05
"Blackberry Picking" by Wendy Mooney and "Blackberries for Amelia" by Richard Wilbur
Do Now: Given your Deconstructions, how does your essay compare to the two higher scoring essays? How will you improve them? Make an explicit plan in writing.
Do Next:
1. Again, using the process you've previously employed (and with a clear idea of imagery to meaning concepts), complete steps 1 - 4 for each poem.
2. Complete steps 5 AND 6 for EACH Poem
3. Complete a 4 Leaf clover for each
Homework: Select one poem and compose an essay from the supplied prompt.
Steps 1, 2, AND 3 for the poem you did not select for an essay are due at the end of class.
Steps 1, 2, and 3 plus your essay are due at the beginning of class 4/06 and 4/09
Assignment 4/3 and 4/4
Timed Writing
Do Now: Review the following handout. imagery to meaning
Prompt: TBA on 4/03
You will have 45 minutes to write your essay
Essay Deconstructions: Link - TBA on 4/03 and due 4/05 or 4/06
Assignment for 3/29 and 4/2
Do Now: Share your Thesis wand your 4-Leaf Clover with your group. Make notes on their feedback and then revise your thesis and clover.
Reflect: How did feedback help focus your Clover analysis? Specifically, what changes did you have to make and how will you use this feedback in your next assignment?
Assignment 2: Blackberries By Yusef Komunyakaa packet link
Remember the Process from last class:
1. Using a 15 second time limit circle words that jump from the page. Are these words positive or negative? Why did these words stand out? Then share with your group partners.
2. Read the prompt. Identify what you are reading for.
3. Read and annotate the poem (or passage for prose as the process does not change). Make sure you have notes on Speaker, Imagery, Selection of Detail, Diction, and Syntax (where it's relevant).
4. Discuss the passage with your group and make additions as necessary.
5. Compose a thesis and a quick outline for an essay on the back of the prompt.
6. Share your Thesis. Then find three people from other groups to provide feedback.
7. Write your essay.
Complete Steps 1 - 5, then 6, then 7.
Due at end of Class
1st Assignment and more to come - you will need your laptops/tablets
Greetings. The assignment posted today and those that will follow in the next few days. All assignments will be linked to the Drive and will be printed for your convenience - as annotations, drafts, free writes, and essays will all be turned in for grading.
Do NOW: To refresh critical skills WATCH: Ted Ed: Mining Literature for Deeper MeaningsAnd Answer MC Questions After and Discuss.
Your Turn: "Blackberry Eating" by Galway Kinnell
All Poems for the next few assignments can be downloaded HERE
Today please complete steps 1 - 4 in classHomework: 1. Complete a 4-Leaf Clover of Analysis, 2. Steps 5 and 6
Assignment Poetry / Prose
The Process:
Remember how you have been asked to engage poetry at a physical level.
1. Using a 15 second time limit circle words that jump from the page. Are these words positive or negative? Why did these words stand out? Then share with your group partners.
2. Read the prompt. Identify what you are reading for.
3. Read and annotate the poem (or passage for prose as the process does not change). Make sure you have notes on Speaker, Imagery, Selection of Detail, Diction, and Syntax (where it's relevant).
4. Discuss the passage with your group and make additions as necessary.
5. Compose a thesis and a quick outline for an essay on the back of the prompt.
6. Share your Thesis. Then find three people from other groups to provide feedback.
7. Write your essay.
The entire process can be completed in one class, whether it is Poetry or Prose.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Song of Solomon Ch 14 - 15
Chapter 14 - 15
1. Please complete the Say, Means, Matter chart for Ch. 14 - 15. Say, Means, Matters
2. Complete your Family Trees and Treasure Maps
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
"XIV" by Derrick Walcott
Walcott Deconstructions:
Please use the following file to complete the activities for "XIV" by Derek Walcott. The handout is also printed and in the classroom. You are welcome to print it if you cannot find it.
Song of Solomon Pt. 2
Hero's Journey:
As you begin Chapter 10 and Pt. 2, please start a TREASURE HUNT map that logs Milkman's search for GOLD. With each stop make note of where he is, who he visits, and what he learns.
Additionally, as he meets people add any important characters/people to your family trees.
Similarly, as this has been likened to the Hero's Journey 1) watch the Ted Video Hero's Journey and read the handout Hero's Journey Handout and then 3) keep note of how his journey does and does not fit the Archetypal Monomyth
Chapter Readings and Prompts:
Try to stick with the reading calendar as best you can.
All chapter Readings, questions, and passages may be found in the DRIVE: READINGS and Questions
Monday, February 5, 2018
Song of Solomon Socratic Seminar Preparation - Due Beginning of Seminar (02/08 A and 02/09 B)
Song of Solomon Socratic Seminar Prep:
Our Session Depends Entirely on your preparation for this multi-category grading Fest!
Tues/Wed (02/06 and 02/07) - Prepare by opening the documents from the following link: Prep materials
Read all of the instructions as you have quite a lot to organize and share.
Each person is responsible for ALL of the assignments, so make sure that you've share the template
AT END OF PERIOD: though it will be incomplete, please save your document in the "Socratic Seminar Prep - Turnitin" class folder with your name on it.
Please do the same thing with your family trees as you create them (you may use whichever flow chart you desire and any colors - as long as there is a method. Don't forget to add character traits and important facts): Family Tree Turnitin
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Poetry Paper #2
Submitting Papers
Please follow link to find class folder and submit the pdf of your annotations, analysis of literary device and more, more, more! Paper 2 Class folders
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Romantic Poetry Assignment Due 02/05
Romantic Poetry Assignment Due 02/05 4:16 pm
20%: Poem with
80%: T-chart
with poetry focus statement, evidence & devices, and analysis
Please follow these instructions:
STEP 1- You will select
a Romantic poem from these options:
Lord Byron “Apostrophe to the Ocean”
John Keats “To Autumn”
William Wordsworth “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
Percy Bysshe Shelley “Ode to the West Wind
STEP 2- 1 typed double-spaced copy of the poem with lines numbered and include
annotations for rhyme, sound devices, all literary devices, structure,
and elements of Romanticism. NO METER (stress, unstressed). These links will be helpful:
http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0072405228/student_view0/poetic_glossary.html http://literary-devices.com/
The Close Reading Hand-out in the Drive Folder to help with annotations and
follow instructions EXPLICITLY. To Download click: All Assignment Hand-outs this includes: sample paper (w/ thesis and 2 of 6 needed literary devices), T-Charts (word and Pdf), Close reading instructions for poetry, and poetry selections (without line numbers - you need to do this every five lines. Yes, there is a video for adding line numbers to Word or Google Docs in the folder as well ).
STEP 3- Complete a poetry focus statement for your poem (title, author, tones,
narrative situation, theme). This focus statement/thesis will go at the top of
your T-chart. Yes, you may bring it to me to review in tutoring.
STEP 4- Based on your focus statement, find the SIX best examples from step 2 to support your focus
statement with a T-chart (device to meaning). The left side of your T-chart
will have your concrete details/evidence (put the device in parenthesis like
this). The right side of your T-chart will have your commentary/analysis.
Romantic Poetry Background - New Paper Due Date 2/05
Take Notes as they will help you with the paper.
Yes, There will be a Romanticism Quiz over these next Tues/Wed
Romantic Poetry Assignment Due Date - 02/05 4:16 pm
Romanticism Background Lessons
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Song of Solomon Pt. 1 Handouts 2/12 and 2/13
Please use the following link to download your Checklist Handouts and anything else you may be missing . . .
Song of Solomon
All of these are in MS Word and you may type your answers as long as:
1. The responses are not copied from other digital/print sources
2. The responses are not copied from classmates. You may work with your partner, but even then, the expectation is that your work will be your own.
3. You will need to print responses for your binder (yes, you may use my printer).
4. Please don't give in to temptation and submit plagiarized work, as then my options become quite limited.
For other and future assignments . . .
Song of Solomon Drive Folder.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Song of Solomon AP Literature and Binder
Binder Organization: We'll take a small portion of class for this
1. Song of Solomon: In Front
A. Calendar
B. The People Could Fly: Stories in front (including origin of races) reading questions and answers go behind (stamped for Completion)
C. Flight A - Z - Completed (stamp needed)
D. People and Places - Completed (stamp needed)
E. Checklist 1 handout: Completed on separate paper. Answers, class notes, contrasts/T-charts go behind, returned Quizzes. Classwork includes Contrast 1)Robert Smith/Porter, 2) Smith/Macon, 3) Macon/Pilate, 4) Ruth/Pilate
F. Checklist 2 handout: Completed on separate paper. Answers, class notes, contrasts/T-charts go behind, returned Quizzes. Classwork includes: Contrast: 1) Sunday Drive with visit to Pilates', 2) Pilate and Macon's Attitudes Toward Milkman, Pilate and Macon's Versions of their Father's Death.
G. Checklist 3 handout: Completed on separate paper; Answers, class notes, contrasts/T-charts go behind, returned Quizzes. Classwork Includes: Contrasting Milkman and Guitar's Defining Childhood Experience and attitude toward the issue of racial Equality and Macon and Ruth through the same lens.
H. Checklist 4 handout: Completed on separate paper; Answers, RQ Responses, class notes, contrasts/T-charts go behind, returned Quizzes.
I. SOS Symbols and Symbolism Handout
Begin 1/24 (B) 1/25 (A)
J. Checklist 5A and Reading Questions through #6 (p. 131), and Quote selection.
K. Checklist 5B and Reading Questions through #10 and Quote selection.
Other TABS
3. Q1 - All things Poetry (and deconstructions).Quick Writes
4. Q2 - All things related to open prose analysis (and deconstructions).
Quick Writes
5. Q3 - All Major works and major works handouts go here (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, As I Lay Dying, A Streetcar Named Desire) in order,
Quick Writes
6. Toolbox - All other handouts (Tone/Thesis, genre, grammar/punctuation, allusions, Say/Mean/Matter, ect.)