Friday, October 6, 2017

Whitman/Hughes Poetry Due 10/9 (B) 10/10 (A)

Whitman Prompt


1. Given “I Hear America Singing,” what is Whitman’s essential understanding/vision about America?

Provide two bullet points of support
So what? How does your support reinforce the idea in your assertion AND HOW is it essential to Whitman’s vision of “America”?

Hughes Prompt

  1. Task: Identify the tone shifts in “I, Too”, then determine how these changes communicate the speaker’s complex relationship with America (and perhaps Whitman).

 2.  Writing:

Compose an analytical paragraph that examines how tone, diction, and selection of detail reveal the speaker’s complex relationship with America in Langston Hughes' “I,too".


Let America . . .  

Compose 6 - 8 lines of poetry in the style of Langston Hughes' "Let America be America Again" for voices that are not necessarily heard in his poem. Title your poem with the stanza number your lines will follow.

As you write Consider:  Rhythm, figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification), repetition, AND diction. 


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