Monday, November 23, 2015

Digging - Homework and happy holiday!

Homework 5th Period - Compose connected universal theme statements for "Digging" that reflect the ideas you uncovered in your close reading.

Homework 6th, 7th, and 8th - Please finish answering the questions from class:
After you have made all of your annotations:
Diction - What words, upon closer inspection, truly stand out? How? (make a list of words and their connotations: ex. Gun = Weapon, Tool, Self Defense) Why these words as opposed to others?

Details: What details stand out the shape the speaker's perspective? What facts do they tell us? Are there signs?

Imagery: Annotate the poem for imagery (AVTKGO). What images does Heaney use? Do one or two types of imagery dominate? What is their effect/impact? Find tone words that characterize the imagery. What does the imagery communicate to the reader?

Repetition, Patterns, Comparisons - What impact do these elements have on the poem? on the reader?
Extended Metaphor? Conceit? 

Structure - Think of this like fiction; what is the narrative pattern of the whole the poem. What do you think he is trying to show us with this structure. Please find a verb or two to describe how this operates for the speaker in the poem.

Now put it together to communicate how the poem means thematically -

With a _______ tone in  "Digging" Heaney ___(verb about writing)__   (subject of the poem) with ________, ________  imagery connected to _________ to __________ that humans _________universal idea here_____.

Phot all work, or use the camscanner app for a pdf and send to

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