Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hamlet 2.2 Assignments

Due Thursday (b) or Friday (a)

 If Hamlet does, in fact, tell some truths in this scene, what might these be?

1. construct a monologue comprised of only the truths Hamlet speaks in lines 249 - 335.

2.  Close Read: O, What A Rogue Soliloquy (2.2.550 – 609) identify words you don’t know, circle verbs for close annotation box tone words and underline important details. Then answer the questions from the handout in your Log Book.

4.  Read 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

5. Logs for 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 are due.


  1. Does the monologue have to be paraphrased, or can we write the truths word for word?

  2. What are the questions that you want us to answer?

  3. You'll talk about them tomorrow. Just do the paraphrase.

  4. Hey Mr Jessup, Could you email me asap! D_j73@txstate.edu

    Thank you, Delisha Jernigan
