Walcott Deconstructions:
Please use the following file to complete the activities for "XIV" by Derek Walcott. The handout is also printed and in the classroom. You are welcome to print it if you cannot find it.
Deconstructing Walcott -
Hero's Journey:
As you begin Chapter 10 and Pt. 2, please start a TREASURE HUNT map that logs Milkman's search for GOLD. With each stop make note of where he is, who he visits, and what he learns.
Additionally, as he meets people add any important characters/people to your family trees.
Similarly, as this has been likened to the Hero's Journey 1) watch the Ted Video Hero's Journey and read the handout Hero's Journey Handout and then 3) keep note of how his journey does and does not fit the Archetypal Monomyth
Chapter Readings and Prompts:
Try to stick with the reading calendar as best you can.
All chapter Readings, questions, and passages may be found in the DRIVE: READINGS and Questions
Song of Solomon Socratic Seminar Prep:
Our Session Depends Entirely on your preparation for this multi-category grading Fest!
Tues/Wed (02/06 and 02/07) - Prepare by opening the documents from the following link: Prep materials
Read all of the instructions as you have quite a lot to organize and share.
Each person is responsible for ALL of the assignments, so make sure that you've share the template
AT END OF PERIOD: though it will be incomplete, please save your document in the "Socratic Seminar Prep - Turnitin" class folder with your name on it.
Please do the same thing with your family trees as you create them (you may use whichever flow chart you desire and any colors - as long as there is a method. Don't forget to add character traits and important facts): Family Tree Turnitin
Submitting Papers
Please follow link to find class folder and submit the pdf of your annotations, analysis of literary device and more, more, more! Paper 2 Class folders
Be certain