Thursday, March 26, 2015

Heart of Darkness Journal

Annette Z asked for a list of assignments that should be in the journal and I am only too happy to comply.
1. Follow one motif: Hearts or Hells all the way through the novel in your journal - document the quote and your response.
2. I've pointed out passages along the way that I found interesting, you were to do the same and tell me how and why.
3. You were to check in with your response to Marlow's character every few pages - what things resonate? What's on his mind and why?
4. Quote responses from the handouts - staple quotes to journal (or scan them if your journal is digital) and then compose your responses on separate sheets.
5. Do the same with the guided reading responses.
6. A) character Webs.
6. B) symbols.
7. Final reflection.
8. Extra credit - Found Poem from the text (take a passage and arrange the words as poetry without changing their order. Remember the river I created in the trees passage? If not I'll show you Monday. I'll collect journals Wednesday.

I will be present for Saturday school from 9 - 12 if any of you need to make up work, need a place to work, or simply want to practice something as mundane as thesis writing. Yes, I will offer a full credit grade if you attend.

Du Calme, Du Calme . . . 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Upcoming Due Dates

3/18 (19) - Chapter 2 completed

3/20 (23) - HOD Symbols due, Chapter 3 read

3/24 (25) - HOD Chapter 3, Socratic "Tap Out"

3/26 (27) - HOD Journals complete, Final analysis questions complete, Socratic evaluation 2

3/30 (31) - HOD Timed Writing, AP MC, MC reflection

3/30 (31) - Begin "Streetcar Named Desire" Act 1,

Book Conferences

As many of you may not be prepared to meet on 3/16  Let's do Thei Eyes Were Watching God on 3/17 and The Sun/Old Man on 3/18. 


Papers will not be due until 3/23.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Book Group Scheduling

Ice and Inclement Weather -

Because all after school activities have been cancelled for 3/4 we will tentatively reschedule the conference for 3/5. The conference for Old Man and the Sea and The Sun Also Rises will take place on 3/5 as well.

Should school be cancelled because of ice we will reschedule all three conferences for the 16th and 17th of March (it's the best thing i could come up with).

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Heart of Darkness Pt. 1 Due 3/5

1)      PP 9 – 17 Based on the narrative, construct an analytical paragraph that accurately reflects the character of Marlow. **Your analysis should include insight into his attitude toward women.

2)      Pp 17 – 18 How does Marlow characterize his middle passage to Africa? 

3)      Pp 19-23 What are Marlow’s 1st impressions of Africa (remember that this is a reflection on his experience)? What do they tell us about Marlow the man?

4)      Characterize his encounter with the Company’s Chief Accountant. Why is he a “miracle?”

5)      Pp 23 – 32  Marlow journeys to the Central Station. How is this station characterized and what does Marlow learn while he’s there? Characterize Malow’s interview with the Station manager. What does Marlow learn about Kurtz? To what extent does Marlow’s story evolve?